October 07, 2014 - Invalid date
The Thing
DMAE Film Series
DMC Theater
LSU , Digital Media Center (DMC), Baton Rouge October 07, 2014 - 7:00 PM until:
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John Carpenter’s The Thing is a classic sci-fi thriller with loads of tension and great special effects. The film was released in 1982 at the same time as ET and Blade Runner. It was shot in the small town of Stewart in northern British Columbia. The film predates modern computer effects and the special effects were done practically using various techniques including stop motion animation. Stan Winston, the go to effects person in Hollywood was involved with the creature effects with the early beginnings of puppetry and animatronics. The film was adapted from John W. Campbell’s short story Who Goes There? Since it’s release it has gained a cult following including novelization, comic books, a video game sequel and prequel film. The film came after Halloween, The Fog and Escape from New York and is one of Carpenter's underrated films. Come see this classic in remastered HD.