February 14, 2020 - Invalid date
4K Streaming for Everyone
Theater Digital Media Center LSU
340 East Parker Street, Baton Rouge February 14, 2020 - 3:30 PM until:
Invalid date - Invalid date
Redstick, CCT & DMAE Welcome Manuel Tiglio for his talk 4K Streaming for Eveyrone.
Until rather recently, the video streaming industry has followed standard recommendations for bitrates and resolutions. That is, independent of the “complexity" of each video and scene. For instance, a black and white cartoon is encoded with the same rate as a complex, rich visual video with lots of texture, fast and slow motion, etc.
In this talk Manuel will discuss results for an AI approach for encoding 1080 and 4K videos depending on their complexity, which results in considerable savings in a visually lossless sense: a factor of 2 in compression for 1080 and a factor of 10 for 4K. The latter implies that if this technology was widely adopted, around 85% of the world household population with internet would have access to 4K video streaming. The approach is non intrusive and coded agnostic. These results open the door for more complex streaming scenarios such 360, VR and AR, as well as 8K.
This is a must see for those looking for a window in how AI & neural nets are affecting the future of digital media!