February 01, 2022
EA Tech & Tech Art Portfolio Review
Zoom, February 01, 2022
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Do you want to know what it takes to make a world class portfolio? Some of Electronic Arts top talent in North America will be giving advice on how to put together a portfolio that is targeted to meet your career goals. Join a series of panelists to hear about what they look for in a student portfolio to land you a job or that internship.
Seven LSU students will be presenting their portfolios to a series of panelists from EA and will get feedback on how it can be improved. Students will need to submit their portfolios to be selected to show. Even if you do not get selected please join us live at the Digital Media Center Theater and take part as an audience member and learn a bit more about how the game industry works.
If you can't make it to the Digital Media Center Theater, you can join us on zoom.
Join Melissa Wafful (EA Next Gen Talent), Ioana Policeanu (Data Scientist) and Brad Cooper (Technical Director) for this exciting night.
If you are interested in becoming one of the seven students to be reviewed please email Marc Aubanel at Marc Aubanel.
If you can't make it to the Digital Media Center Theater, you can join us on zoom.